It gets harder and harder to find reliable financial advice online these days. The website review aims to shed light on a platform that claims to offer valuable insights into personal finance and wealth management. As more people turn to the internet for financial guidance, it’s crucial to evaluate the quality and credibility of available resources.

This review delves into various aspects of to help readers make an informed decision about its usefulness. It examines the site’s content quality, user experience, and overall design. The analysis also weighs the pros and cons of the platform, providing a comprehensive look at what has to offer those seeking financial knowledge and tips to improve their financial well-being.

www moneysideoflife .com

Overview of www Moneysideoflife. com

Website Purpose is a platform dedicated to providing direct, intelligent, and entertaining content about money. The website’s mission is to foster financial confidence and stability for all its users. It aims to expand young adults’ understanding of money and how it affects their lives, enabling people to make financial choices with confidence.

The platform creates content and delivery services to make it easy to share important information about fundamental money matters. This approach helps students, employees, and customers gain a better grasp of financial concepts and their real-world applications.

Key Features

  1. Comprehensive Financial Education: www Moneysideoflife .com offers a wide range of educational resources, including articles, courses, webinars, and short videos. These materials cover various aspects of personal finance and wealth management, helping users learn the basics of money management.
  2. Expert Financial Guidance: The website provides access to CFP and AFC-certified coaches who are available 12 hours a day, 5 days a week. Users can reach out through phone, email, chat, and text to get personalized financial advice.
  3. Integrated Financial Management: The platform allows users to connect up to 16,000+ types of accounts, including checking accounts, savings accounts, investments, and credit cards. This feature provides an aggregate view of one’s financial life, offering real-time updates on spending habits, net worth, budget tracking, and debt.
  4. AI-Powered Insights: utilizes artificial intelligence to analyze household spending habits and trends. The system provides actionable insights and encourages better financial habits through nudges about spending, duplicate charges, changes in subscriptions, savings, and unusual charges.
  5. Bank-Level Security: The website employs stringent security measures to protect sensitive financial information. These include multi-factor authentication, encryption protocols for data transmission, and secure storage facilities for maintaining user information.

Target Audience caters to a diverse audience, with a particular focus on young adults seeking to improve their financial literacy and management skills. The platform is designed to serve:

  1. Students: Those looking to gain a solid foundation in financial concepts as they begin their journey into adulthood and financial independence.
  2. Employees: Individuals who want to better manage their finances, reduce financial stress, and work towards long-term financial stability.
  3. General consumers: Anyone interested in expanding their knowledge of money matters and making more informed financial decisions.
  4. Financial novices: People who are new to managing their finances and need guidance on fundamental money concepts.
  5. Those seeking unbiased financial advice: The platform prides itself on providing unbiased financial guidance without pushing any specific products or services.

By offering a blend of human expertise and technological solutions, strives to meet the diverse financial education needs of its target audience. The platform’s commitment to providing accessible, comprehensive, and trustworthy financial information makes it a valuable resource for individuals at various stages of their financial journey.

Content Quality and Usefulness

Blog Posts and Articles recognizes the importance of maintaining a robust blog to enhance its online presence and provide valuable content to its users. The website has been taking its blog more seriously in recent months, resulting in a significant increase in performance and the number of pages on the site. This growth has led to a clear correlation between the number of pages and the keywords the site ranks for in search engines.

The platform follows a three-step process to achieve these results:

  1. Publishing one to two new blog posts or pages per week
  2. Utilizing tools like ChatGPT to streamline content creation
  3. Focusing on creating topical authority

By consistently producing content, aims to establish itself as an authority in various financial topics. This approach helps the website rank for a wider range of keywords and attract more organic traffic.

Financial Tools and Calculators offers a comprehensive suite of financial tools and calculators to help users make informed decisions based on their personal circumstances and financial needs. These tools cover a wide range of financial aspects, including:

  1. Investment research: Tools like FINRA BrokerCheck and Investment Professional Designations help users verify the credentials of investment professionals and firms.
  2. Financial analysis: The Fund Analyzer allows users to compare fees and analyze information on various investment products.
  3. Market data: Users can access real-time data on bonds, fixed income products, stocks, options, and mutual funds.
  4. Retirement planning: Calculators like the Retirement Calculator and 401(k) and IRA Required Minimum Distribution Calculator help users plan for their retirement years.
  5. Savings and investment: Tools such as the Savings Calculator and Education Savings Calculator assist users in setting and achieving financial goals.
  6. Loan management: The Loan Calculator helps users determine monthly payments for fixed-rate loans and compare different offers.

These tools empower users to explore their financial information in detail, forecast outcomes, and assess various financial choices.

Educational Resources provides a wealth of educational resources to help users enhance their financial literacy and make better financial decisions. These resources include:

  1. Interactive quizzes: The Financial Literacy Quiz and FINRA Investing Knowledge Quiz allow users to test their financial knowledge and compare it to national averages.
  2. Games and simulations: “Con ‘Em If You Can” is an interactive strategy game that teaches users about fraud tactics, while the Risk Meter helps identify traits that may make investors vulnerable to investment fraud.
  3. Online courses: The platform offers Smart Investing Courses on key investing topics, allowing users to deepen their understanding of various financial concepts.
  4. Video libraries: Users can access educational videos on topics such as STEM, environmental issues, and space exploration through partnerships with organizations like NASA and the Department of Energy.
  5. Virtual experiences: The website provides access to virtual field trips, 3D exhibits, and tours of museums and cultural institutions, enhancing the learning experience.

By offering these diverse educational resources, aims to foster financial confidence and stability among its users, particularly young adults seeking to improve their financial literacy and management skills.

User Experience and Design

The user experience and design of play a crucial role in providing visitors with a seamless and efficient platform for accessing financial information and tools. The website’s design focuses on three key aspects: website navigation, mobile responsiveness, and loading speed.

Website Navigation

Effective website navigation is essential for providing a smooth user experience. has implemented an intuitive and consistent navigation system that allows visitors to quickly find the information or functionality they need. The website’s structure is designed to guide users through various financial topics and resources with ease.

The navigation menu is organized logically, grouping related content and tools together. This arrangement helps users explore different sections of the website without feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, the consistent placement of navigation elements across pages ensures that users can easily move between different areas of the site without confusion.

Mobile Responsiveness

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, mobile responsiveness has become a critical feature for modern websites. recognizes this trend and has implemented a responsive design that adapts to different screen sizes, providing an optimal viewing and interaction experience on mobile devices.

The mobile version of the website offers enhanced customization options for columns and rows, making widgets mobile-friendly. Users can enjoy the following features on their mobile devices:

  1. Adjustable number of columns for five screen resolutions
  2. Customizable number of rows and items per page
  3. Show/hide options for elements like the Load More button
  4. Enable/disable swipe navigation for improved mobile interaction

These mobile-specific enhancements ensure that users can access and interact with the website’s content and tools seamlessly, regardless of the device they are using.

Loading Speed

Website loading speed is a critical factor in user experience, as slow-loading pages can frustrate visitors and lead to high bounce rates. has taken steps to optimize its performance and enhance the overall user experience through improved loading times.

To achieve faster loading speeds, the website utilizes various optimization techniques:

  1. Image and asset compression to reduce file sizes
  2. Leveraging Google’s infrastructure to serve popular open-source JavaScript libraries
  3. Implementing the latest protocols and web standards designed to make the web faster

Users can also take advantage of tools like PageSpeed Insights to analyze and improve the website’s performance. This tool provides a PageSpeed score and offers suggestions to make the site faster.

For those looking to further enhance their browsing experience, recommends using Google Public DNS, which can improve both security and speed.

By focusing on these three key aspects of user experience and design, aims to provide a user-friendly platform that allows visitors to access financial information, tools, and resources quickly and efficiently. The combination of intuitive navigation, mobile responsiveness, and optimized loading speeds creates a positive user experience that encourages engagement and helps users make the most of the website’s offerings.

Pros and Cons

Advantages offers several benefits to its users:

  1. Financial Education: The platform provides comprehensive financial literacy resources, addressing a critical need in society. With studies showing low levels of financial literacy among Americans, the website aims to fill this knowledge gap.
  2. Early Preparation: By targeting high school students, helps prepare young adults for financial challenges early in life. This approach aligns with research indicating that early financial education leads to better money management skills in adulthood.
  3. Diverse Learning Tools: The website offers a variety of teaching tools, resources, and student guides covering essential financial topics such as budgeting, saving, college preparation, and investing.
  4. Long-term Impact: Students who receive financial education through platforms like are more likely to develop responsible financial behaviors. They tend to be less prone to debt, more likely to pay credit card bills on time, and less likely to exceed credit limits.
  5. Partnership with Financial Institutions: The collaboration with Desert Schools Federal Credit Union enhances the credibility and reach of the platform, potentially benefiting more students in Arizona.


Despite its advantages, has some notable drawbacks:

  1. Poor Customer Service: Users report extremely unsatisfactory customer service experiences, with representatives providing brief, unhelpful responses and becoming irritated when asked for clarification.
  2. Confusing Online Platform: The website’s layout and content organization are described as poorly designed and difficult to navigate, resembling amateur work.
  3. Self-Promotion: There’s a perception that the platform focuses excessively on self-promotion rather than providing valuable content to users.
  4. Underwhelming User Experiences: Feedback from past customers suggests mediocre experiences with the platform’s services.
  5. Lack of Transparency: Users express concerns about the platform’s lack of cooperation and arrogance, making it challenging to assess the quality and reliability of their financial advice.
  6. Questionable Investment Performance: Some users report disappointing returns on investments based on the platform’s recommendations, significantly underperforming market benchmarks.
  7. Inconsistent Analysis: There are instances where the platform’s fundamental analysis and understanding of businesses appear to be lacking, leading to questionable investment recommendations.
  8. High Portfolio Turnover: Frequent buying and selling of stocks in recommended portfolios may indicate a lack of consistent investment strategy.
  9. Communication Issues: The platform has been criticized for poor communication during critical periods, such as when recommending abrupt exits from investments.
  10. Arrogant Responses: When questioned about investment decisions, the team’s responses have been described as arrogant and unapologetic, potentially damaging user trust.