JFF Horizons 2024 is shaping up to be a groundbreaking event in the world of education and workforce development. This highly anticipated conference brings together leaders, innovators, and changemakers to tackle pressing challenges and explore cutting-edge solutions. With a focus on creating equitable opportunities and preparing for the future of work, JFF Horizons 2024 promises to spark meaningful discussions and drive positive change, and of course there will be a bit of entertainment as well!

The summit’s agenda is packed with inspiring keynote speakers, thought-provoking panel discussions, and hands-on workshops. Attendees can look forward to exploring key themes such as skills-based hiring, AI in education, and inclusive economic growth. The JFF Horizons Conference 2024 also offers unique networking opportunities, allowing participants to connect with peers, share insights, and build partnerships that can shape the future of learning and work. From policy makers to educators and industry leaders, Horizons JFF 2024 is set to be a must-attend event for anyone committed to creating a more equitable and prosperous future.

jff horizons conference 2024

Key Themes of JFF Horizons 2024

The JFF Horizons 2024 summit is set to explore groundbreaking ideas and transformative solutions for the future of work and learning. This year’s event centers around several key themes that reflect the pressing challenges and opportunities in the education and workforce development landscape.

Equitable Economic Advancement

At the heart of JFF Horizons 2024 lies a commitment to creating equitable economic opportunities for all. The summit recognizes the critical need to break down systemic barriers that have long perpetuated inequalities in wealth, education, and social capital. Participants will engage in discussions on how to close these gaps and create pathways that empower individuals regardless of their gender, race, or educational background.

The conference aims to address the disparities that have resulted in populations of “haves” and “have-nots” by focusing on inclusive strategies. Special attention will be given to historically underrepresented groups in the workforce, including women, people of color, rural communities, and those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The goal is to ensure these populations have access to and can take advantage of emerging opportunities in the evolving job market.

Innovative Partnerships

JFF Horizons 2024 emphasizes the power of collaboration across sectors to drive meaningful change. The summit will bring together a diverse array of stakeholders, including bold leaders, bipartisan policymakers, industry innovators, and Gen Z learners. This unique gathering aims to foster partnerships that can scale best practices and find pathways toward greater impact in the learn-and-work ecosystem.

Attendees will have the opportunity to:

  1. Build connections with peers from various backgrounds
  2. Share insights and experiences
  3. Explore collaborative efforts to strengthen systems
  4. Develop partnerships that can shape the future of learning and work

The summit will showcase how innovative partnerships can lead to powerful results, encouraging attendees to think beyond traditional boundaries and embrace cross-sector collaboration.

Green Technology Opportunities

A significant focus of JFF Horizons 2024 will be on the growing importance of sustainability and climate resilience in the job market. The summit will explore how the shift towards a more environmentally conscious economy has an impact on workforce development and job creation.

The CREST (Climate-Resilient Employees for a Sustainable Tomorrow) jobs-creation initiative, supported by the Ares Charitable Foundation in partnership with JFF and the World Resources Institute, will be a key topic of discussion. This five-year venture aims to address the gap between the demand for a skilled workforce in green jobs and the number of people prepared for these opportunities.

Attendees will learn about:

  • The increasing demand for sustainability skills across all job sectors
  • New job opportunities created by the focus on climate resilience
  • Strategies to prepare workers for the green economy
  • Initiatives to ensure equitable access to green job opportunities

The summit will highlight how embracing climate-resiliency can redefine work and create new pathways for economic advancement, particularly for those who have historically been left out of these opportunities.

Throughout the event, participants will be encouraged to think boldly, test innovative ideas, and contribute to boundary-pushing thought leadership. JFF Horizons 2024 aims to inspire actionable steps towards creating a more equitable and sustainable future of work, leveraging the collective power of diverse voices and experiences to drive systemic change.

Highlights from Keynote Speakers

The JFF Horizons 2024 summit brought together a diverse array of thought leaders, policymakers, and industry experts to share their insights on the future of work and learning. The keynote speakers addressed critical issues and presented innovative solutions to drive equitable economic advancement for all.

President Biden’s Impact

The impact of President Biden’s first term took center stage at the summit. Speakers highlighted the significance of landmark legislation such as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act, and the CHIPS and Science Act. These initiatives are expected to create thousands of new jobs across the country, presenting both opportunities and challenges for workforce development.

Representatives from the Department of Commerce, Department of Transportation, and Department of Labor discussed strategies for leveraging federal investments to expand equitable workforce development pipelines. They emphasized the importance of ensuring that all Americans benefit from these opportunities, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status.

Insights on AI and Future of Work

Artificial intelligence (AI) emerged as a central theme in discussions about the future of work and learning. Erik Brynjolfsson, Jerry Yang and Akiko Yamazaki Professor at Stanford, along with Derek Thompson from The Atlantic, Jeff Maggioncalda from Coursera, and Noelle Russell from Accenture, shared their perspectives on the responsible incorporation of AI into offices and classrooms.

The speakers highlighted the explosive growth of AI and its profound implications for job creation, economic mobility, and skill development. They stressed the urgency of understanding and influencing AI adoption to drive equitable outcomes and ensure job quality. The newly established Center for Artificial Intelligence & the Future of Work at JFFLabs was introduced as a platform to convene stakeholders across sectors and shape the national dialogue on AI’s impact.

Key insights from the discussions included:

  1. The need to boost uniquely human skills alongside AI collaboration
  2. The importance of employer-led training initiatives to realize AI’s potential
  3. The current low rate of AI adoption in workplaces, with only 1 in 10 workers experiencing AI at work
  4. The necessity for workers to gain new skills in response to AI’s impact

Policy and Advocacy Discussions

Policy and advocacy discussions played a crucial role in the summit, with experts emphasizing the importance of bipartisan approaches to lasting policy changes. Speakers highlighted JFF’s commitment to championing practice-informed, nonpartisan policy approaches for changes in education and workforce systems.

Hilary Pennington from the Ford Foundation, James Rhee from red helicopter, Rachel Korberg from the Family and Workers Fund, and Saket Soni from Resilience Force shared their perspectives on redesigning systems for a future that ensures prosperity for workers, their families, and their employers. They discussed practices that should be kept, sunset, scaled, and innovated without limits.

The summit also featured discussions on:

  • Innovative ideas for financing education to increase affordability, quality, and employer engagement
  • JFF’s Congressional Staff and Executive Branch Networks on Economic Advancement
  • The Policy Leadership Trust’s role in influencing state and federal policy

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Nikole Hannah-Jones brought a unique perspective to the discussions, exploring the intersection of education, the economy, and America’s legacy of slavery. She emphasized the importance of learning from history to reposition priorities for workers and learners.

The keynote speakers at JFF Horizons 2024 provided valuable insights and set the stage for collaborative efforts to address the complex challenges facing the learn-and-work ecosystem. Their discussions underscored the importance of bringing diverse voices together to find solutions and drive equitable economic advancement for all.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities

The JFF Horizons 2024 summit stands out as a unique platform for fostering connections and collaborations across diverse sectors. This event brings together representatives from various backgrounds, including education, business, activism, and philanthropy, as well as first-generation students, Gen Z innovators, and English-language learners. The summit’s design encourages attendees to unite, listen, and learn from people from all walks of life, creating a person-first experience that transcends traditional boundaries.

Cross-sector Connections

One of the key focuses of JFF Horizons 2024 is to address the fragmentation and silos within the learn-to-work ecosystem. The summit acknowledges that collaboration across sectors is essential to building a more equitable and supportive system. Attendees have the opportunity to engage with a wide range of professionals, including policymakers, educators, and industry leaders. This diverse gathering aims to break down barriers and foster discussions that can lead to innovative solutions for equitable economic advancement.

The summit features networking sessions on singular or multiple topics, bringing people together from across sectors, geographical regions, and professional backgrounds. These sessions are designed with minimal programming, allowing for organic connections and discussions to flourish. Participants can expect to:

  1. Engage in discussions with leaders from various sectors
  2. Share insights and experiences with peers
  3. Explore potential collaborations across industries

Building Personal Networks

JFF Horizons 2024 recognizes the importance of career navigation, especially for young people who represent the country’s future talent. The summit offers unique opportunities for attendees to build their personal networks and gain insights from experienced professionals. Participants can:

  1. Connect with industry experts and thought leaders
  2. Engage in mentorship opportunities
  3. Participate in skill-building workshops

These networking opportunities are particularly valuable for those seeking to advance their careers or explore new pathways in the evolving job market. The summit’s diverse attendee list ensures that participants can connect with individuals from various backgrounds, fostering a rich environment for personal and professional growth.

Fostering Industry Partnerships

A significant aspect of JFF Horizons 2024 is its focus on building strong partnerships across the learn-and-work ecosystem. The summit serves as a catalyst for collaborative efforts that can lead to powerful results in addressing systemic challenges. Attendees have the chance to:

  1. Explore potential partnerships with organizations from different sectors
  2. Learn about successful collaboration models
  3. Participate in discussions on scaling best practices

The summit highlights the importance of trust and mission alignment in successful partnerships. Attendees can gain insights from case studies that demonstrate how diverse backgrounds and voices contribute to the development of future ecosystems, such as Learning and Employment Records (LERs).

JFF Horizons 2024 also emphasizes the role of leadership buy-in and effective communication in fostering successful collaborations. Participants can learn strategies for engaging organizations with different roles and types of expertise, recognizing the nuanced communication required for such partnerships.

The summit provides a platform for innovative leaders to discuss critical ongoing work in advancing racial economic equity for Black learners and workers in education, training, and employment. These discussions offer valuable insights into creating more inclusive and equitable partnerships across sectors.

By bringing together a diverse group of stakeholders, JFF Horizons 2024 aims to create an environment where innovative ideas can be shared, tested, and advanced. The summit encourages participants to think boldly and take “big swings” in designing solutions for the challenges facing the learn-and-work ecosystem. Through these networking and collaboration opportunities, attendees can contribute to shaping a more equitable and prosperous future for all.